
意大利Loccioni集团公司成立于1968年,公司致力于研究测量技术及自动化控制系统,为客户量身定制工业测量系统的解决方案,我们的产品用于提高产品的质量,效率,过程以及其可持续发展。我们的市场覆盖全球,在全球40多个国家拥有安装调试线,在中国,美国和德国都拥有分公司。我们的客户和合作伙伴都是汽车,家电,环境和医疗等行业的领先者。乐科宸(上海)贸易有限公司是Loccioni在中国设立的分公司,成立于2013年,旨在为中国的客户以及亚洲太平洋地区的客户方提供技术支持等工作。We are a family company established in 1968 by Enrico Loccioni with the aim of creating in his territory – and delivering to the world – an entrepreneurial model for the work and knowledge development; by integrating ideas people, technologies we develop measure and test solutions to improve the quality of products and processes for the manufacturing and service industry.We are a technological ‘tailor’s shop’, designing and manufacturing turn-key tailor-made solutions for the automatic measurement and quality control of our customers products and processes. Each project is customized on the customers ‘requirement integrating the best internal and external competences and technologies and building with customers and partners long term relations for mutual development.We are an Open company, open to young people and to long experienced ones, to customers, suppliers, competitors, to the scientific and public community. Openness nourishes the continuous longing for depth, new knowledge, will to change, innovation. Openness enhances the creation of new businesses, the development of new technologies, facilitating relations and the creation of international excellence networks, with whom to design future markets and technology applications.We are a Play Factory, because it is while playing the human being expresses its intelligence at best” (I. Hosoe). The Play Factory is not hierarchical but has an horizontal organization in which we can personally and professionally grow with credit and passion. It gathers different generations, cultures, markets, sharing the common goal to improve the quality of life in a responsible and sustainable way. The Play Factory is not a workplace but a place where you can work, express your potential, develop your professional self and have fun.We are a knowledge company, employing entrepreneurial collaborators who invest their knowledge in the company, sharing its success. The knowledge company develops projects instead of products and enhances the attitude towards responsibility, autonomy, entrepreneurship, team working. It delivers knowledge internally and externally and invests in education. Because people are its most important legacy.

公司地址:浦东新区东三里桥路1018号A座505室 (邮编:200125)
*发布本招聘广告企业的营业执照名称: 乐科宸(上海)贸易有限公司
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